1. Editorial Board
- The editorial board is currently made up of Jonathan deHaan (University of Shizuoka) and James York (Tokyo Denki University).
- Editors can be contacted at [email protected].
2. Authors and Authors responsibilities
- There are no fees for publishing in LLP. We are an open-access, open peer-reviewed journal.
- All articles should be written in English.
- We do not accept book reviews.
- Authors are obliged to participate in the open peer review process.
- All authors must have contributed significantly to the submitted research.
- All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.
- Authors must list all references, following the guidelines in the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).
- Financial support in any regard, including from funding bodies or internal grants, must be declared.
- Acknowledgements may be placed after the conclusion.
- We will not consider submissions that are 1) under review for publication or 2) have already been published elsewhere. Previously rejected manuscripts will be considered if you have reworked them based on previous comments.
3. Plagiarism
- All articles are screened for plagiarism upon submission, using tools such as iThenticate®.
- Manuscripts that contain large portions of another author’s published work(s) are considered plagiarism and will not be considered. Authors will be permanently banned from submitting their work to the journal in such instances.
- Manuscripts that contain large portions of the author’s previously published work are considered self-plagiarism and will not be considered. Authors will be banned from submitting their work for a one-year period in such instances.
4. Peer-review process
- All of the journal’s content is subjected to peer-review.
- Individual manuscripts will be reviewed by experts in the field, selected from our list of current reviewers (https://llpjournal.org/2018/01/24/people.html#-current-reviewers).
- Manuscripts are reviewed according to our open-peer review guidelines, thus anonymity is not preserved. Authors are in conversation with reviewers throughout the review and revision process. (https://llpjournal.org/2018/01/04/review-with-us.html#-we-practice-open-not-blind-peer-review).
- Reviewers must agree to the Open Peer Review Principles:
- Principle 1: I will sign my name to my review.
- Principle 2: I will review with integrity.
- Principle 3: I will treat the review as a discourse with you (the authors); in particular, I will provide constructive criticism.
- Principle 4: I will be an ambassador for the practice of open science.
- Reviewers must state whether they have a conflict of interest with the work they review.
- Reviewers must point out relevant published work which is not yet cited.
- Reviewed articles are treated confidentially.
5. Publication ethics
- Publishers and editors will take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred.
- In no case shall the journal or its editors encourage misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place.
- In the event that the editors are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct, the editors shall deal with allegations appropriately.
- The journal can be contacted at [email protected] for retracting or correcting articles when needed.
- The editors are always open to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.
6. Copyright and Access
- All submissions remain the property of the authors.
- Accepted manuscripts are published under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license (or another license of the author’s choosing).
- When articles or walkthroughs are submitted and accepted for publication, we will ask authors to consider submitting Creative Commons licensed versions of their materials that we will host in a shared google drive folder connected to their published paper. These materials might be surveys or tests from articles that other researchers can use in their research (to help connect research in the field) or lesson plans and worksheets (to help teachers easily implement progressive practices in their contexts). Authors will determine the rights to their “donated” materials.
- All articles are available electronically on our website for free. https://llpjournal.org/2018/02/01/volume-archives.html
7. Archiving
- In the event that the journal is no longer published, access will remain open as long as the hosting website is available (Github).
8. Ownership and management
- The journal is managed by the editors in cooperation with the extended community of reviewers and authors. The community exists on Discord: https://discord.gg/je9QZsnntf.
9. Website
- If there are corrections required on the LLP website, please get in touch with the editors at [email protected]. This includes spelling mistakes, errata, and broken links. We strive for the highest ethical and professional standards.
10. Publishing schedule
- LLP does not produce serial publications. We work on a rolling release schedule throughout the year.
- Each year is collected into a volume.
- 2019 articles were collated to form Volume 1.
11. Name of journal
- The title of the journal reflects the content we expect authors to submit. Submissions that do not include a reference to a ludic approach to teaching language or literacy skills with a focus on the underlying pedagogy will not be accepted.
- If readers feel that the journal title is misleading in any way, we are open to discussion. Contact the editors at [email protected].
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