LLP Membership

Become a member

You can be come a member of the LLP academic society at the following link:

πŸ‘‰ Become a member! πŸ‘₯

We have two types of membership, both of which can be applied for with the above form ☝️

  • Monthly subscriptions – on ko-fi
    • Perks can be found on the ko-fi page.
  • Yearly subscriptions – paid by PayPal (email us)
    • You will be issued an invoice and receipt by James York, editor in chief.

What do members get?

  • The privilege of being part of the most edupunk organization in the world - Ludic Language Pedagogy.
  • Add professional affiliation and experience to your resume.
  • Eligibility to vote in officer elections.
  • Run for officer positions.
  • Member-only meet-up after the annual conference.
  • Eligibility to compete for Best Paper Award.
  • Eligibility to compete for Best Educational Game Award.
  • Eligibility to compete for Best Reviewer Award
  • Eligibility to compete for Best Community Member
  • Eligibility to apply for the LLP Scholarship.
  • PETSCII profile pic (optional).
  • Place in the Hall of Fame.

Yearly subscription prices and perks:

TIER Price per year Additional rewards
🟒 UNCOMMON Free Digital membership certificate
πŸ”΅ RARE $60 LLP-stamped membership certificate. Discount registration rates for our conferences and other events.
10% Discount on LLP merch
🟣 EPIC $100 LLP-stamped membership certificate
Discount registration rates for our conferences and other events.
Limited Edition LLP Sticker
25% Discount on LLP merch
🟠 LEGENDARY $240 LLP-stamped membership certificate
Discount registration rates for our conferences and other events.
Limited Edition LLP Sticker
Legendary tag on Discord
50% Discount on LLP merch

Merchandise includes stickers, t-shirts and hoodies. Visit the store for more info!

Why become a member?

Reason 1

We are aiming to get LLP registered as an β€œofficial” academic society in Japan. This means we need 100 members! Help us get there by signing up.

Reason 2

Expenses are mostly for DOIs (Crossref charges us to have them), as well as server upkeep. This is not sustainable, and one of the reasons we want to do a push for the community to support this. We want to start a membership program for LLP and are able to support ourselves financially.