- Author: Peter Hourdequin
- Peer-reviewed: β
- Peer-reviewers: Evan Bostelmann, Jonathan deHaan, D.M. Jones, Frederick Poole.
- Date of publication: 2020/09/02
- Keywords: Bilingualism, Literacy, Parenting, Play, Video games
- Cite: Hourdequin, P. (2020). Social learning and literacy affordances in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Ludic Language Pedagogy, 2, p.187-202.
Tweet Synopsis
Animal Crossing: New Horizons offers useful opportunities for bilingual literacy development and the exploration of important social issues. This article chronicles and reflects on a parentβs journey in and around ACNH with his three children. #games4change #learningthroughplay
Key points
What is this? A teacher/parentβs reflections on learning opportunities that exist in and around the Nintendo Switch game Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Why did you make it? I am interested in sharing how the game might be used similarly by other parents and also how I might ultimately use the game with students in my work as a university English instructor.
Who is it for? Parents of elementary age children (or above), and teachers at any level.
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