- Author: Mark Rasmussen
- Peer-reviewed: ✅
- Peer-reviewers: Evan Bostelmann, Jonathan deHaan, Frederick Poole, Ben Thanyawatpokin, James York.
- Date of publication: 2020/09/07
- Keywords: Bridging activities, Coup, EEE, EFL, Examine, Explore, Extend, Lesson plan, Pedagogy, Sociocultural theory, Tabletop games
- Cite: Rasmussen, A.M. (2020). Entwining Bridging Activities, the EEE framework, and Coup in a 6th grade advanced EFL writing class. Ludic Language Pedagogy, 2, p.203-224.
Tweet Synopsis
Choose teaching theories, practices, and materials that build towards a core pedagogical goal. Give students plenty of opportunities to explore and participate in target discourses. Build conceptual knowledge about those discourses. #llp #socioculturaltheory
Key points
What is this? A description of a South Korean 6th Grade Advanced EFL writing class using the game Coup, Bridging Activities, and the Explore, Examine, Extend framework, including materials used.
Why did you make it? To share materials and pedagogical experiences related to these language learning areas to hopefully bolster other teachers and their efforts.
Who is it for? Language teachers and researchers interested in language teaching materials and the application of teaching models.
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